Lukáš FLEK 39 let


In the style of understanding what the outside is like, we move on to take a look inside and understand why the connections between the individual rooms are impermeable but every single one of them has a direct passage to the ground floor.
Each unit has its given volume, which is valid until it is its turn, and we want to mediate the shift out after the specified unit, we wash out the information that will pass from the mind, if there are more than one chain across several rooms, as long as it makes sense to solve it this way and we just want some general information, one train goes through the required rooms (stops) and lets those around the stop get on (these are the newest things and have a place just below the surface), in this case it goes inside instead of the upper part, but only because that he doesn't have such a load and will arrive on time, or sooner due to the fact that he traveled a shorter distance (he drove from the first connection to the last and when he has all of them, he goes back along the same route and once again picks up those who didn't make it), at the destination stop he just sends everything to attention and waits for a new route. On which it takes the updated data back by stops and then drives for as much as it can carry so that attention can give the most accurate answer. During flooding, the room is filled with direct content, when it is able to ask itself a clear question to everyone who they know something about it, they ask the most difficult question and after the answer, they add up the result and take it as valid.
It is important that all the rooms are in order and everything is smooth (send something by pipe mail without a proper package with a label and you will not get an answer, you will only wait a long time until all the repositories are checked for a possible answer.
It can be seen that this package is not completely accurate, but it gives an approximate justification of how we deal with the facts.